Concerns for someone's safety
Es ist nichts falsch daran, auf die eigene psychische Gesundheit zu achten und um Hilfe zu bitten. Eine psychische Krise führt häufig zu dem Gefühl, dass man nicht mehr klarkommt, und das ist in Ordnung. Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass die Gefahr besteht, dass du dich selbst oder eine andere Person verletzen könntest, gibt es Menschen, die dir gerne helfen. Möglicherweise benötigst du einige Anläufe, bis du die richtige Hilfe findest, doch gib nicht auf – es gibt Hilfe.
Erwähnungen von Selbstverletzungs- oder Selbstmorddrohungen auf GoFundMe
Wenn du oder eine Person, die du kennst, sich in unmittelbarer körperlicher Gefahr befinden, wende dich bitte sofort an den örtlichen Notdienst. Wir empfehlen dir darüber hinaus, dich an professionelle Ansprechpartner und Organisationen in deiner Nähe zu wenden. Eine Liste der verfügbaren Stellen haben wir dir weiter unten zusammengestellt.
Wenn auf unserer Plattform Selbstverletzungs- oder Selbstmordgedanken erwähnt werden, melde dies bitte unverzüglich dem Notdienst. Du kannst dich auch an unser Team wenden, indem du auf dieser Seite auf „GoFundMe kontaktieren“ klickst. Unserem Team stehen jedoch möglicherweise nur begrenzte Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung.
Recognizing Warning Signs
- Engaging in self-harm behavior (including increasing their use of drugs or alcohol)
- Changes in sleep and eating pattern
- Becoming more inward and withdrawing from family and friends
- Expressing hopeless feelings like "nothing will change" or "I'm a burden"
- Talking or writing about hurting themselves or stating that they want to die
There are many resources and people available to help you right now if you or someone you know is expressing self harm or suicidal thoughts. Please select your location for additional information.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) to speak to a counselor. Text HOME to 741741 to reach a counselor from Crisis Text Line via text message, or visit their website. Available to talk for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Lifeline Canada at 1-800-668-6868 to speak to a counselor. Visit their website to chat or text. Resources for yourself or someone in need. Available to talk for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Lifeline who can be reached at 13 11 14. Or visit their website to chat online. Available to talk for free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Telefono de la esperanza who can be reached at 717 003 717. Visit their websites, and Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from TelefonoAmicoItalia who can be reached at 02 2327 2327. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Telefonseelsorge who can be reached at 0800 111 0 111. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. They're available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Livslinien who can be reached at 70 201 201. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Samaritans. For confidential support, please call 116 123, or email Visit their website for details of the nearest branch. You can also contact Pieta House at 1800 247 247, or simply text HELP to 51444. Available to talk for free 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from HelpPhone who can be reached at 116 123. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from ‘Tel143’ who can be reached at 143. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Telefonseelsorge who can be reached at 1: 142. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from Mieli Crisis Centre who can be reached at +358 9 413 50510 or on their website.
Reach out to a counselor from Voz de Apoio who can be reached at 225 50 60 70. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Vereinigtes Königreich
ENGLAND or SCOTLAND Reach out to a counselor from Samaritans who can be reached at 116 123. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NORTHERN IRELAND Reach out to a counselor from Lifeline who can be reached at 0808 808 8000. Or visit their website. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. WALES Reach out to a counselor from Samaritans who can be reached at 116 123.. Welsh Language Line: 0808 164 0123 - this number is free to call (from 7pm - 11pm, 7 days a week). Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from 1813 Zelfmoord who can be reached at 1813. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from SOSHelp who can be reached at 01 46 21 46 46. Visit their website to chat online or send an email.
Reach out to a counselor from SOS Distress who can be reached at 45 45 45. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free, 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from 113 Zelfmoord Preventie who can be reached at 113. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free 7 days a week.
Reach out to a counselor from ‘MIND’ who can be reached at 90101. Visit their website to chat online or send an email. Available to talk for free 7 days a week.
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