
Donation doesn’t show on fundraiser

Why can’t I see my donation on the fundraiser?

If you made a donation and it’s not appearing on the fundraiser, this is likely due to processing times.

Our payment processor reviews donations before finalizing them. This means that once you complete a donation there is a processing period of 1 - 14 business days.

Please refrain from making several donation attempts. If you don’t see your donation after 14 business days, please contact our support team. 

Why can’t I see my donation in my GoFundMe account?

If you made a donation and it isn't appearing within your GoFundMe account, this is likely because you weren't signed in when making the donation. Please contact our team if you'd like past donations made with the same email to be added to your account. For future donations, make sure you’re signed in, and your donation will automatically appear within your account.

Note: Donations can't be moved between GoFundMe accounts, so even if you create a new account under the same email, we won't be able to transfer donations made under an old, deactivated account.

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