
Request an appeal of a decision

Being a safe and trusted place to give and receive help is our top priority. We have dedicated experts keeping our users and the platform safe, as well as making sure fundraisers abide by our Terms of Service and payment processor requirements.

To do this we may be required to take action on your account or content such as removing the content itself, removing your fundraiser, or closing your account. You will be notified of any action taken through the email address used to create your GoFundMe account.

If you do not agree with our action or have additional information or evidence you would like us to review, you can appeal the decision within six months by filling out this form.

When filling it in, please complete all sections.

For security reasons, you will need to contact us from the email address linked to your GoFundMe account.

Please review this article to learn more about reporting a fundraiser for illegal content on our platform.

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